and how chris miller has none.
only weeks (sometimes months) do i go without realizing i haven't updated my stupid blog.
no commitment to my blog. shameful, it is.
then i go into a "realization fit" and start realizing all these other reasons for not updating my blog.
i dont have internet at my house.
then i lost my chord for uploading pictures to my laptop, which wouldn't do much good concidering the fact that I DON'T HAVE INTERNET AT MY HOUSE! (i'm at the parents house for christmas, thats how i am doing this, dummy)
then once i realize my chord has just been hidden behind a pile of garbage and KY lube on my floor, i go and break my camera at the bob's burgers christmas work party.
a story behind how i broke it? i can't be 100% on that, but my manager tells me i threw a fastball with my reasonably new (not to mention 350 dollar) camera whilst yelling for her to take a picture of me.
the lense was bent and stuck open so it wouldn't let me turn it on.
so after a few free drinks at my work, i start to pull the lense apart into tiny pieces and for some reason after doing this it decides to start working again. so now i have my chord and camera back in action, BUT STILL NO INTERNET!
sorry, this blog was made just to fill space and to make my self feel like i didnt completely neglect 'the blog'.
merry christmas.
i wonder how many goodies i would get if there were three categories on santa's list....naughty, nice, and drunk?

i guess this means im off the wagon.
have a happy new years as well.
chris miller